

Who even writes letters any more?  Sometimes I do but not often enough.  I feel it is something of the past with the abilities of text messaging or emails available at our fingertips any time we need them.  In Second Life I have placed out the Trove Craftsman Writing Desk and Stools.  These are available at SL Home and Garden Expo that benefits the American Cancer Society.  Below I highlight another relay team at this years event.  

Shenandoah Rain reached out to me to tell me a bit about her relay teams she co-captains with  Andy Rook.  "We are SHB Gems a small but very passionate group.  We started with two people and have now grown to solid dozen.  Our first year we only had seven weeks before relay to raise the funds we wanted.  Last year our goal was Silver which we accomplished in the first few weeks. Each year we set a new goal.  This years goal is to do a weekend event named the Purple Flamingo Beach Party."

Wanting to end “Normal”

"All of us on this team have been touched by Cancer. Lost a friend, parent, family member or we are battling or are a survivor. But the founders of this team were blessed to have met a man here in SL named Julian. He was the image of love. He supported us through life’s battles in RL and in SL. He had so many people who loved him. He was a big supporter of RFL. He was active, on a team TMP Dreamers and walked many laps and even dressed up as a woman in a beauty contest to raise money. When he was diagnosed with cancer it didn’t stop him from asking how we are and wanting to take care of us. He battled hard, but ultimately lost the battle leaving us lost in  (March 20, 2018).

We want to end “Normal”. We have come to accept cancer as part of our world. Let us tell you there was nothing normal about going through treatments, all the side effects that last a lifetime and there is nothing normal about the battle Julian had and lost.  While we have made some great strides, American Cancer Society still has a lot to accomplish.

A few of us wanted to do something to honor him so we decided to start a team in his memory. Now we knew if we called it the Julian’s he would haunt us, he never wanted to be in the spot light, but a few close to him called him Jules. We decided we would be his Gems. We still still miss him and always will but his memory will continue to live with RFL."

Purple Flamingo Beach Party will be held April 29 - May 2.  This is our big fundraiser for this year. We have sponsorships available as well as a market for raffle items and donated items for vendors. We will be hosting a surfing contest and have dancing with SL's best DJ's and Live performers.  Campsites are available in the beach campgrounds for 100L each and you get 200 prims to make it your own. It will come with a small camper and a beach blanket. A Relay for Life version of each will be available for sale at the event.  And if being alone is more your thing, we will have a drive in to watch movies with provided cars. 

We hold weekly KDD dances (Kiosk Drop and Dance) on Tuesday's from 5 PM SLT to 7 PM SLT, People from different teams come and put out a kiosk for donations.  Usually people make donations to many different teams.  This fundraising event adds up over a season. We also host other "Come when you can" events. We are currently working on a mystery event.  Other events you may have seen us at are The Christmas Expo, Out Shop Cancer and the Pink Power Rodeo as well as sponsored several other events. 

Check out our T-shirts, bandanas and hats in world and on the MP.  100% of this store goes to our team except for the percentage the lindens take.  In addition, a team member donates 20% of everything she sells to our team from Shen's Shop.

Today's entertainment is as follows:

  • 10am : DJ Maddie
  • 11am : UglyBill
  • 12pm : Corwyn Allen
  • 1pm : Jeffah24
  • 2pm : Prim Perfect Talks Saffia : Sandie Loxingly of Hope Haven
  • 4pm : Lantern Ceremony
  • 6pm : Vanellope
  • 7pm : Sheyz

Trove- Craftsman Writing Desk Stool*

Trove - Craftsman Writing Desk*@ Hope 7

Peaches - Imagine Faeries Unicorn Light 

Peaches Clutter - Resolutions Clutter Pens, Resolutions Clutter Personal Assistant, Skye's Travel Clutter

KraftWork - Runner Rugs Stripes Mix 2

KraftWork - Sienna's American Pleat Curtain Double Window 

Second Spaces - File boxes group of 5 teal

Buildworksdecor - Retro Round Table White

Tentacio - Dear friend

Dust Bunny Potted bromeliad & Potted cheese plant


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