Lazy Afternoon

The animals have settled down for their afternoon nap while we have some soup on the patio.  There is still a chill in the air so they snuggled under their blankest to keep warm.  This collection is brought to us by Chez Moi.  The Terra Patio Set Gacha can be found at the current round of Arcade.  I love sitting here listening to the Spring Wind Chime by Enchanted Fantasy blow on the crisp spring air.  Head over to Swank for your own happy melodies on the wind.

Bowl Soup Green 
Bowl Soup Pink
Plant Vase 1, 2 & 3
Sleepy Kitty & Sleepy Puppy
Terra Coffee Table
Terra Couch
Terra Hanging Bench
Terra Plant Vase
Code 8 - Little Courtyard


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