Friday, May 3, 2024

The Golden Tresure

In a land far away, where the mist always lingered and the sun always shone bright, there lived a dragon. The dragon was a magnificent creature. It was said that the dragon guarded a great treasure of gold, which was hidden in the misty mountains surrounding its lair.

Many brave warriors had tried to slay the dragon and claim its treasure, but none had ever returned. The dragon was too powerful, too fierce, and too cunning to be defeated by mortal men.  One day, a young prince named Alexander arrived in the land. He had heard of the dragon and its treasure, and he was determined to claim it for himself. He set out on a perilous journey through the misty mountains, facing many dangers along the way.

Finally, he arrived at the dragon's lair. The dragon was waiting for him, its eyes gleaming in the darkness. Alexander drew his sword and charged at the dragon, but the dragon was too quick. It lashed out with its tail, knocking Alexander to the ground.  As Alexander lay there, helpless and defeated, he realized that he had been wrong. The dragon was not a monster to be slain, but a guardian to be respected. The dragon had protected the gold for centuries, and it was not Alexander's place to take it.

With a newfound respect for the dragon, Alexander asked if he could speak with it. The dragon agreed, and they talked long into the night. Alexander learned that the dragon had been alone for many years, and that it had guarded the gold not out of greed, but out of a sense of duty.  Moved by the dragon's story, Alexander offered to stay and keep the dragon company. The dragon accepted, and they spent many happy days together, sharing stories and watching the mist roll by.

One day, the dragon vanished. The gold it had guarded disappeared with it, leaving nothing behind but the mist. Alexander searched high and low for the dragon, but it was never seen again.  Years later, when Alexander had become an old man, he returned to the land of the mist. He climbed to the top of the highest mountain, where the dragon's lair had once been. There, he saw a vision of the dragon, soaring through the clouds .

Alexander knew then that the dragon had not disappeared at all, but had simply returned to its rightful place in the sky. And he realized that the dragon had taught him something important: that sometimes, the greatest treasures are not made of gold, but of friendship and respect. 

*Thus Magic*~Golden Tree of Myth LI:6*


-AxisMundi-Quetzlcoatl-Large LI:166*

@Hope's Wish

Mindgardens Creations*

Asgardian Bifrost Bridge Arch LI:3, Asgardian Bifrost Temple LI:51

@Wispering Pages

SYNNERGY.TAVIS//Heavenly Rhelm [360] Backdrop LI:192(modified)


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