Coffee Run


I start my morning early, and it usually takes me two full cups of coffee before I can function as a human in the morning. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee is what motivates me to start my day on a positive note and not kill my children or husband.

Ghoul - Sesera Top - LGC - Pattern - Viole(n)t

[The Forge] Vix Skirt, Black, Legacy

RAMA.SALONxSintiklia - Lynn Hair 'M'

voodoo. Star Under Eye

Milash : Lani Nails / Legacy

Havoc - Gifts FLF - 3. Ugh Handbag Black, 21. Croissant CoffeeTray

Black.Flowers - Ivy Cuff.L - Legacy / Perky / Bomshell

Bauhaus - Legacy - Necklace / Uber 2024 GIFT

BellePoses - Enjoy Room LI:19


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