Once upon a time, in a quaint fall cottage nestled among the colorful trees, there lived a ghost. This ghost longed for the presence of people and the joyous laughter that once filled the cottage. Despite being invisible to the living, the ghost yearned for companionship and happiness to find her in the peaceful surroundings of the autumn season. Xoxo - Gem
Raindale - Autumnfell Set PBR*
Ladder (PBR) LI:5, Fall sign (PBR) LI:1, Wheel (PBR) LI:1
Raindale - Midmoor well -(5Li, stronger LOD) LI:5*
Raindale - Pumpkinlair Collection:
Bar stool (orange) LI:2, Counter LI:1, Lamp LI:3, Mug (green) LI:1, Mug (orange) LI:1, Pallet chair (green) LI:4, Pallet chair (orange) LI:4, Pouf LI:2, Rug (brown) LI:4, Rug (green) LI:4, String lights with leaves LI:2, Rare - Raindale - Pumpkinlair shed LI:24
(Luc.) Chocolate Pecan Pie LI:1
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