

I first learned about Krampus from American Dad the TV Show a few years back.  Of course I then had to Google what Krampus was.  I hope none of the kids in your life will have Krampus visit this year.  On another note, today is the last day of The Christmas Expo.  Make sure you head on over and check everything out before it goes away.

CKit Falconry - White Raven Shoulder Pet Small v1.2 Animesh*

@The Christmas Expo

Forest Fantasy Store - Krampy (fur,horns, tail) & Collector Set*

@The Christmas Expo

BlacbirdLace - Anteia Outfit Legacy*

@Designer Showcase

Tableau Vivant - Upshaw Hair  Sidebangs B Winter

Le Poppycock - Dark Promises Whispers in the Dark Ravens


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