Down On The Dock

 The storm will be here in a few hours.  As we approached the the dock I noticed the cute little welcome sign.  The ride should be short so the waves should not be to large heading back.  I noticed they had the lanterns lining the dock to keep it lighted up so we won't stumble in the dark.  Well maybe I still might if I have to much wine.  Cheers!!!

Décor Junction - Mesh Pilings*

Piling Decor With Light (LI:6)

Piling With Anchor Décor (LI:2)

Piling with Welcome Sign (LI:1)

Chez Moi - Boat (LI:26)

Dust Bunny - Lighthouse With Shade Maps

We're  Closed - Rustic Decks Light (LI:3)


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