Treat Time


  Now days it seems I am always short on time.  We are in a hybrid model of learning for my kindergartener while navigating are schedule.  Second Life time is a bit more limited as we get ready and rush off to school in the mornings.  Nap time is filled with my daily weight training.  We round out the day with our home portion of school, dinner, baths, books and bed.  When they don't fall asleep until 9pm or later my evenings get really short. 

  I once read an article that said mom's tend to stay up later because it's the only time they get to themselves.  I totally agree with this.  While my Second Life time may have been cut I still fit in some blogging since I love it so.  I also want to mention I hopped on that Sourdough bread train and have fresh bread or naan at least once a week.  Baking really relaxes me and lets me get out of my head for a bit.

  Here is my look for today.  This cute little summer dress named Christine by Belle Epoque can be found at the current round of Equal 10.  It seems lately most my designers are featuring the newest and hottest things the event.

Belle Epoque - Christine*

@Equal 10

Equal - Duality Necklace

Doux - Brandie Hairstyle 

BSHouse - Coffee Table Bella


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