Fallen Gods Celebrates 15 Years


The Fallen Gods is celebrating 15 years!  The Annual Contest is once again upon us.  Find out all about it on their blog.  It's not too late to enter.  Meet the Crystal Queen or so my friend calls her.  I wanted to be more sensual this year in my shape.  I picked out a skin that I liked from my vast collection of Fallen Gods Skins.  Then I headed over to Aii & Ego to see what fun attachments they might have.  In the end I settled on this outfit.  I then went looking for a prop pose but didn't like any that I found.  Instead I settled on a background from The Bearded Guy.  TADA!!  Here is my look.  

Aii & Ego - Night Glamour Ebody/Juicy

Fallen Gods Skin - Draugr Cosmic Oracle

Doux - Fatima Hairstyle

The Bearded Guy - Sodalsia Splash Steel V1 Backdrop


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